Gablenzer Str. 8
08393 Meerane
Telefon: +49 [0] 3764 570818 0
Telefax: +49 [0] 3764 570818 99
In the manufacturing process the vehicle passes through many corrosion preventive coating processes. But in the use of this procedures there will not be every cavity coated or reached. To fully coat these surfaces the use of cavity conservation applies, especially the wax flooding method. Cavities, which cannot be fully protected from corrosion by conventional use, are getting fully conserved with liquid wax at our plants.
For this purpose the body is stopped in a flooding mechanism, that means specific openings are coated and other openings are stopped at flood positions. Then hot, liquid wax will be flooded in the cavity. At the subsequent lifting and tilting the wax is distributed and the surplus wax is dripping on heated drip tubs and is reintroduced to the cycle and reused.